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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Our Mysterious Universe - Logic, Occult and Science

Current estimates of the diameter of our observable universe  put it at 91 billion light years. There are an estimated 100 billion galaxies and 30 billion billion stars. 

Our Universe is unimaginably large.

The estimated age of the Universe is 14 billion years compared to our recorded history of about 6000 years!

If we assume that there is no other form of life elsewhere in Universe other than on earth, how can the sheer size of the Universe be justified towards this end. In this case, there is simply almost 100% idle capacity. Is this an intelligent design of an omnipotent omniscient eternal CREATOR?

On the other hand, if life exists elsewhere as an intelligent design of the CREATOR, why is there not a single reference in historical records of a contact?

Surely, if life forms from other planets , galaxies made contact with humans in the last 6000 years, it would have been a great event worthy of recording in texts, monuments...etc Are there implicit or explicit references in these records such as historical records of monarchs,government officials, historians, authors,commentators, scribes,travelers,public?

Does not this imply that the references in Spiritual texts to other life forms as gods refers to a time long before recorded history begins?

14 billion years is a very long time for some forms of life to develop and be significantly more advanced than us 6000 years ago and by probability in many star systems.

On this logic, can we allow a mathematical possibility that the Epic of Gilgamesh or Great Pyramid of Giza or other ancient megaliths may well reasonably be attributed, connected to non earth life forms? What could be the computed probability of this to be true?

Extending further this logic, ancient Hindu text Manvantara refers to time cycles and they instruct us that there is a significant difference in measure of time of Gods and humans. 100 years of Brahma Is equal to 300 trillion human years.

Is this occult text suggesting the relativistic effects of space travel or time measurement as predicted by Albert Einstein assuming that Gods and humans co habit the same or different universes at great intervening distances. Interestingly, lesser gods have lower differences in time relative to us suggesting they habit a region closer to us. This requires further research and analysis and maybe have links with the concepts of Vedic Lokas or Hebrew Sephiroth.   

There are numerous references in occult & esoteric texts, ancient monuments & images that use symbolic language to hide the scientific knowledge of the universe. More on this in future posts.

God or non earth life forms with advanced knowledge and technology may well be both a spiritual and scientific reality with religion blurring and misleading the identity on both sides with exceptional efficiency to date.

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