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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Is Dendera "Light Bulb" a depiction of occult practice of Kundalini awakening?

Look closely at the image below. What do you see? Is it a light bulb? Many have claimed that this is a depiction of ancient Egyptian lighting technology.


This article discusses the comparative analysis of the wall relief (image above) in the crypt below Hathor temple (Dendera, Egypt) using the knowledge and concepts of an advanced Vedic/Oriental occult yogic practice and establishes a high level of similarity and functional co-relationship. This leads to the conclusion that there are strong links between the two ancient civilizations and raises questions about the relative historical antiquity and chronology of these civilizations. It also suggests that the ancient egyptian hieroglyphs interpretation may also have a reasonable basis in ancient oriental occult science rather than only Egyptian mythology.   

I have reasons to believe that the wall relief image above depicts symbolically the occult process of Kundalini awakening. 

The figure holding triangular objects in both hands is the egyptian god Thoth or Master of ceremonies who guides and controls the whole process of Kundalini awakening and ascension and maintains “equilibrium” and “balance” (Thoth with the Baboon face represents equilibrium).  
  •  The triangular objects represent quartz crystal that absorb,control and focus Kundalini energy as it rises upwards inside the spine to avoid fatal injury to the vital organs.
The sphere on the head of figure sitting on the block represents activated Crown chakra which is the ultimate destination and receptacle for the fully awakened Kundalini energy. 

  • The figure sitting on the block is “Air God” and represents the use of occult advanced breathing techniques (Pranayama) to activate the dormant Kundalini using specific hand and sitting positions. (Mudra)
Djed, the pillar in front of the air god, represents stability, endurance, steadfastness and its equivalent is the Basic chakra

The tube on the bottom of the image represents the spinal column thru which the Kundalini energy flows upwards. 

The tube starts below the Djed. It implies start point of the Serpent/Kundalini energy which is located at the base of spine and below the Basic chakra as per occult literature.   

The figure of a woman facing the Djed represents “current” or “flow” or “movement” suggesting the Kundalini starts to move upwards like a current. 

The figures facing each other and holding palms represent love, affection and represent the Heart chakra.

The Lotus represents symbolically a Chakra. It is positioned near the groin of the standing figure and implies the Sex chakra

The Snake represents the fully awakened Kundalini energy as it is not coiled

The “Bulb” is the gradual expansion of the power of Kundalini energy as it rises upwards inside the spine and passes thru each major chakra.It also suggests the expansion of the human Aura

On the basis of above interpretation of the image and its constituent parts, it can be concluded with reasonable certainty that this wall relief is a visual and symbolic rendering of the ancient science of Kundalini awakening and its ascension from below the base of the human spine and upwards thru it and finally into the Crown chakra above the head. 
This occult practice is believed to provide access to the inner world and communication with higher divine beings for wisdom, power and guidance. 

This analysis suggests a close link between the ancient Egyptian and the Vedic/Oriental civilizations that may have not been directly evidenced or suggested before.It leads to credible questions regarding the nature of this relationship and the relative antiquity and chronology of these civilizations.  

The functional interpretation of the hieroglyphs shows up parallels with Vedic/oriental occult wisdom science and requires further research and elaboration. This would lead to a greater understanding of the entire body of ancient Egyptian architecture and writing especially the occult hidden wisdom science.

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